University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) accepts international students through over 20 UCAS colleges and over 100 institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The graduate programs are provided to international students from all over the world to pursue PhD and master’s education at UCAS.
Institute of Process Engineering (IPE) is one of the CAS institutes with Chemical Engineering and Technology as the major discipline. It is the leading institute for the discipline construction of Chemical Engineering and Technology in UCAS.
UCAS is going to hold a series of virtual meetings from 15 December 2023. IPE will hold an Online Admission Briefing on 21 December 2023. Arrangements of IPE Briefing are as below:
Beijing Time (UTC+8): 16:00-17:30, 21 Dec 2023 (Thursday)
VooV (Tencent) Meeting ID: 809-980-016
Main Contents:
1. Introduction to IPE
2. Introduction to Research Groups
3. Experience Sharing by IPE Current Students
4. Q&A
You can download VooV Meeting from:
If you're going to join IPE Briefing, please fill in the questionnaire below:

(You can either click above link or scan the QR code to enter the questionnaire.)

Basic information about IPE:
1. IPE is located in Beijing, China.
2. We have 4 National Research & Development Platforms, including:
- 2 State Key Laboratories
- 1 National Engineering Laboratory, and
- 1 National Engineering Research Center
3. Main Disciplines of IPE:
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Chemical Engineering and Technology
- Environmental Science and Engineering
4. See more about IPE admission information from the link below:
About UCAS Briefing:
You're still suggested to join the UCAS briefing to get professional application guide and information about scholarship programs. See more details for UCAS briefing from the link below:
Ms. Liao
Tel: 0086-10-82544960
Education Department
Institute of Process Engineering
Chinese Academy of Sciences