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Notice on Dissertation Proposal and Mid-Term Evaluation of the Postgraduates of IPE in Autumn of 2023
发布时间:2023-11-13 | 【 】 | 【打印】 【关闭

IPE is organizing the dissertation proposal and mid-term evaluation of the postgraduates for the Autumn of 2023. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1.Scope of Students to Join the Evaluation

During the postgraduate study, there are several important Education Processes to be completed, including Topic Selection, Dissertation ProposalandMid-Term Evaluation.

Students should complete each Education Process according to the Education Plan, which can be referred to “Schematic Diagram of Time Arrangement of Education Process” (attachment 1). Scope of students to join each Process in this semester are as below:

1) Topic Selection: doctoral students of 2023 cohort

2) Dissertation Proposal: master students of 2022 cohort

3) Deferred Evaluation: those who have not completed the dissertation proposal or mid-term evaluation according to the Education Plan should attend this evaluation.

In principle, no deferment is allowed without special circumstances. In case of any special circumstances, the student should fill in the “IPE Record Form for Delaying Education Process” (attachment 2), submit it to supervisor and finally submit the form with signatures to the Education Department.

Students who have not completed the dissertation proposal cannot take mid-term evaluation. In principle, the time interval between the dissertation proposal and the mid-term evaluation should not be less than half a year.

Students who have not completed the mid-term evaluation cannot apply for the degree. In principle, the time interval between the mid-term evaluation and degree application should not be less than half a year.

2. Steps

Step 1: Write the report and prepare the slides of report. Submit the report and slides to supervisor. Modify the report according to supervisor’s advice.

Step 2: Join the evaluation meeting and make the presentation.

Step 3: If students passed the evaluation, log in to the UCAS SEP System, click the purple button named “培养指导Training Guidance”, fill in the “Education Plan” (for topic selection), “Thesis Proposal” or “Mid-Term Evaluation” online, and submit to supervisors.
Supervisors log in to the UCAS SEP System, click the purple button named “培养指导Training Guidance”, and assess online.

If students didn’t pass the evaluation, students should modify the report and join the evaluation again within one month.

Students may refer to “Instructions to UCAS online system” (Attachment 3).

3. Time Arrangement

Preparing: students should complete step 1 at least 3 days before the evaluation in your research division.

Evaluation Meeting: 27 November 2023 – 8 December 2023.

The actual time and form of evaluation shall be subject to the notice of each research division.

4. Required Materials for Topic Selection

Material 1 - Report of Topic Selection: “Graduate Education Plan”

Material preparing:

Material 1 will be generated automatically after students filled in “Education Plan” on SEP system, or students can download the template at the link below and fill in:


Material submitting:

In step 1, students shall submit Material 1 to supervisors.

In step 3, students shall fill the content of Material 1 in “Education Plan” on SEP system and submit to supervisors.

Material 2 - Slides of Topic Selection

In step 1, students shall submit Material 2 to supervisors.

In step 2, Material 2 is for students’ presentation.

5. Required Materials for Dissertation Proposal and Mid-Term Evaluation

Material 1 - Report: “Graduate Dissertation Proposal” or “Mid-Term Report of Graduate Dissertation”

Material preparing:

Students can download the templates of Material 1 at the link below and fill in:


Material submitting:

In step 1, students shall submit Material 1 to supervisors.

In step 3, students need to upload Material 1 on SEP system.

After graduation, hard copies of Material 1 should be double-sided printed for archiving.

Material 2 - Registration Form: “Graduate Dissertation Proposal Registration Form” or “Mid-Term Report of Graduate Dissertation Registration Form”

Material preparing:

Material 2 will be generated automatically after students filled in “Thesis Proposal” or “Mid-Term Evaluation” on SEP system, or students can download the templates at the link below and fill in:


Material submitting:

In step 1, students shall submit Material 2 to supervisors.

In step 2, Material 2 should be submitted to the assessment group to make records.

In step 3, students shall fill in “Thesis proposal” or “Mid-Term Evaluation” on SEP system and submit to supervisors, then Material 2 could be generated automatically and be able to download.

After the evaluation, eachresearch division should submit the completed material 2 to the Education Department for archiving.

Material 3 - Slides of Dissertation Proposal or Mid-Term Report

In step 1, students shall submit Material 3 to supervisors.

In step 2, Material 3 is for students’ presentation.

6. Scholarships for Excellent Dissertation Proposal/Mid-Term Evaluation

IPE set up "Scholarships for Excellent Dissertation Proposal / Mid-Term Evaluation" to reward outstanding students. Number of rewards in this academic year is calculated at 5% of the total number of students and to be sent to each research division.

Those who delayed the evaluation to this batch will not be able to participate in scholarship assessment.

All research divisions please recommend the excellent dissertation proposal and mid-term evaluation separately to Education Department for assessment.

7. Re-Evaluation and Diversion Mechanism

Those who failed to pass the evaluation and ranked in the bottom 10% shall be re-assessed within one month. Those who failed to pass the re-evaluation shall participate in the Diversion Evaluation. Those who failed to pass the Diversion Evaluation will be transferred to diversion process, i.e. demoted from doctoral program to master’s program or dropped out.

8. Other

Except for secret-related dissertation, the dissertation proposal and mid-term evaluation should be carried out openly. The confidentiality classification of dissertations should be completed before the evaluation meetings of Dissertation Proposal. The management of secret-related dissertation, while meeting the requirements of the Training Plan for Postgraduate Students, shall be carried out in accordance with 《中国科学院大学直属院系涉密研究生学位(论文)管理暂行办法》(the Interim Measures for the Management of Secret-Related Postgraduate Degrees (Dissertations) of affiliated Colleges/Faculties of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences).

Students please check your student status in SEP system, especially your major and supervisor. According to the decision of the Academic Degree Committee Meeting in the summer of 2021, in principle students who have completed Mid-Term Evaluation are not allowed to change their majors and supervisors. If students who have not completed Mid-Term Evaluation and plan to make adjustment with special circumstances, you may submit the relevant application to the Education Office before 23 November 2023. See application forms at the link below:


Discipline Code

Discipline Name

Major Code

Major Name


Chemical Engineering and Technology



Chemical Engineering



Chemical Technology



Biochemical Engineering



Applied Chemistry



Materials Science and Engineering






Environmental Science and Engineering



Environmental Engineering


9. Contact Information

Ms. Liao

Email: wchliao@ipe.ac.cn

Education Department

Institute of Process Engineering

13 November 2023


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